Wednesday, August 26, 2009

(Non)Basic Ruminations

Maybe these ruminations aren't so basic. I mean. On a day to day basis, one should see the things I am faced with. Sometimes I just embrace it. No shoulders to lean on. No crutches. No braces. Ever had a bad taste in your mouth and wished you never tasted it? Or had a bad memory or situation and wanted to erase it? What about seeing a familiar face and trying to place it? Or you can remember the name but the face remains faceless? Ain't no secret, I am living in a world full of racists. They look at my race and face and declare my existence is pointless. Baseless. I have no class and my ass is tasteless. Worthless. Why live when you have no destination or purpose? Sometimes you start believing the non-sense and start to doubt what your own true worth is. I am tired of the speculation on the surface. I am going to the core with it.......(tbc)

1 comment:

RPoeta said...

This is an amazing poem!! THanks for sharing!!